Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First HP-DH part 2 Trailer

        I am sad to say that this may be my last blog on Harry Potter.  However, I am extremely excited to say that the first trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 has been released!  It was first released last Wednesday April 27th, during a showing of Happy Gilmore on ABC Family.  I was not able to watch Happy Gilmore to catch it when it first played, but I was anxiously waiting for Mugglenet to post it online. 
                The first video they posted was the French version.  I was so giddy with excitement, but then I realized it was in a language I couldn’t understand.  I made the decision to wait for the English version.  The time that passed in between seemed to last forever.   I could barely take it anymore; I almost watched the French version.  However, seeing the visual aspect while having no idea what was being said would have made me want to see the English version even more, which would have made the wait even more agonizing.     
                Finally, the English version was up!  I was even giddier than I was before.  Mike can attest to this fact.  He thought I was nuts when I found out it was up in the Encounter office.  It would have been a funny site if somebody was videotaping my reaction.  I was bouncing up and down in my seat, clapping my hands together with a huge goofy smile on my face.  Also, I probably made a few squeaks and squeals of happiness.   I pushed the play button and watched what I had been waiting for since the last movie ended.
                The trailer went by in a whirlwind and in my excitement it was hard to take in everything that occurred, so I played it again…and again…and again….oh and one more time.  I lost count of how many times I have watched it, but I take in something new every time. 

                The trailer was awesome.  It gives me some hope, but also sets up some doubt.  The last movie is basically the finally battle of Hogwarts, as well as the exciting events that lead up to it.  The castle is in ruin, there are people lying dead on the floor, dragons, and spells flying.  Basically an action packed ball of awesomeness.
                All of the action got me pumped, but there are some parts that make me nervous, one of them being at the end of the trailer.  Harry and Voldemort are standing over a cliff and Harry grabs Voldemort and throws them off of it.  That definitely never happened in the book.  It is basically Voldemort and Harry being together so much in the castle that makes me nervous because they never were in the book. 
                However, in spite of the negative, there are a lot of promising things as well.  The most important one, at least to me, is that they showed a lot of Snape and some of the scenes from his memories.  This makes me extremely happy because Snape is my favorite character and plays a pivotal role throughout the entire series.

*Spoiler Alert*

                One of the things I was most concerned about is that they were going to mess up his death and the showing of his memories.  The showing of Snape’s memories in the book, finally tells that Snape is on the side of good, which was a debate the entire series.   It also shows that he was protecting Harry all along because he loved Harry’s mother, which melted Harry’s hatred of Snape. 
Seeing this trailer takes those fears away and makes it even harder to wait for the release in July.  It will be an exciting, but sad day because there will be no more books or movies.  There are a few things left I can do with the Harry Potter universe, but I know that Harry Potter will live on.  It will live on as new young children discover its wonders and keep its legacy alive.  

1 comment:

  1. action packed ball of awesomeness! Slytherin rules!
